Riding Rich
New Member
Logical about the skis.
Soon as u turn the wheel prolly so much braking resistance you do a 360.
Guess that's a bad idea.
U saved me a hard lesson.
I only hope the studded tires work well.
Guess i'll get the Nokian Mount and Ground studded tires.
Local Bike shop has em for $65.00 Ea.
I been out there riding some more.
Not as bad on well Plowed Roads.
Still slippery though... Makes me a little nervous.
When that front tire goes out from under ya you go down before you know what happened. 0 time to react at all... and i was on edge expecting to fall.
I suppose with the tires the most dangerous part is being run over by a cager.
Soon as u turn the wheel prolly so much braking resistance you do a 360.
Guess that's a bad idea.
U saved me a hard lesson.
I only hope the studded tires work well.
Guess i'll get the Nokian Mount and Ground studded tires.
Local Bike shop has em for $65.00 Ea.
I been out there riding some more.
Not as bad on well Plowed Roads.
Still slippery though... Makes me a little nervous.
When that front tire goes out from under ya you go down before you know what happened. 0 time to react at all... and i was on edge expecting to fall.
I suppose with the tires the most dangerous part is being run over by a cager.