Slow going...

Thanks ray... that site is the only one that has the size we need (14mm x 1.5mm)... They had them in stock a month ago... now the website says they're all out. I plan on trying to call the place Monday... I'll keep ya posted dan. I should have ordered it earlier! If all else fails... its either a homemade setup or the guy at the kawasaki dealership by me says he could find a way to attach a kawasaki petcock... I think it would look nice with a 1piece design at almost the same price.
Always a way JB! you'll get it.

Always a way. Might be way away, but any way, theres always a way, a way.

(that was WAY funnier in my head)((look away))
Always a way JB!

So true Dan.. my seatpost dilemma for example: I like yours and Toms, but the guy at my local machine shop is a jerk... so I made my own...

p.s. - crappy computer desk was hurt in the making of this post... (see pics)!


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curious about the result of it with the total of composition... bet it is the gas tank which it is sort of little over size for its' frame. (wondering) Hoped to see you to get it distract perfect with its' fuel tank. Good Job!
I was shocked when I saw the size of the tank myself... it did look HUGE on the frame until I added the other dew-dads like tires-handlebars-seat. Now, I kinda like how it looks. Funny part is... I was starting out with an idea of making a boardtrack style bike, but as I add parts I'm ending up with more of a rat-rod type bike... I guess my plans were doomed from the start since the tank was my first purchase! Thanks for the comment.

In other news, I ordered a "supposed" 14mm petcock... (search on ebay for a yamaha dt80 petcock if you wanna see it). I'll keep everyone posted on whether or not it actually fits. Another internet brainstorm led me to the idea of using a 14mm to 12mm spark plug adapter on the tank since 12mm petcocks are much easier to find... just don't know if the threads would match up using this method (the tank is course threaded m14x1.5). Last resort is the brass inline/adapter/filter method!

Some easy recent mods pictured below... took me all of 10 minutes to complete!!!


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Looking good jbones! I actually ordered a couple of those billet mounts (1 1/2, and 1 1/4) for my engine mount. I'm going to make a plate to bolt to the mount, then to the engine. It should work better than it looks! It will be similar to the SBC over-sized mount kit, but without the "bend" in it. No drilling through the frame either. Hardware stores, or hobby shops sell aluminum sheets. I picked up my 1/4' sheet for $14.99. cut to size, drill your holes, and yer done! I think I'm going to use 2 clamps, side by side for that extra support. We all gotta meet up and go cruising sometime soon! I've been cruising my old huffy solo for the last 2 years or so. This year is gunna be way better though. Chicago's south-side is about to come alive with motor-bicyclists!
question?,Did motorcycles have a petcock that when it was turned one way that it saved a small amount of fuel in the tank and when you would turn it the other way you had that small amount of fuel to reach a gas station? so you wouldn't have to push it to the station(?)
i know this info might be a little late, but motorcycles have the front brake on the right.

and so do i. since the clutch is on the left, working two levers at the same time don't sound easy.

took me about ten minutes to forget everything i learned about bicycles having the front brake on the left.
corgi, yes. Fuel on and fuel reserve. This can be accomplished by the hight of the gas inlets inside of the tank. The taller inlet funs out of fuel first, to get the rest of the fuel (the reserve) the lower inlet (still below fuel level) is accessed.
Hey guys... been awhile since I last posted... (work, sleep, repeat). I installed the front brake, mounted my engine, aligned the chain & sprocket, and set the tank decals. I'm still waiting on the petcock... almost a month to get parts from the orient! I'm at the point now where I just wanna get this thing running so I can impress the locals! Thanks for everyones advice, and I cant wait to see that billet clamp as an engine mount! Chicago mb'ers unite! In reality, im just a noob, and im glad there's a site where i can ask my noobish questions on!
*UPDATE* Colonoscopys suck... oh... and so do ebay sellers who misinterpret petcock sizes (why do i feel like a woman after the second part of that statement)??? Finally off hiatus for medical reasons, the yamaha petcock I ordered doesn't fit the pagsta tank (insert surprised face here) so I'm on to other methods. Might try a motorcycle shop before going the homemade route... I'll let everyone know the final answer!
*Update* I know this has been said before... but... U ready? IIIIITTTTT'S ALIIIIVE!!!

A cool guy at advance or rileys... i think advanced auto parts... helped me find parts to fabricate a connection for the wrong sized petcock... pretty simple. 3/8" hose adapter, a few inches of thick tubing, and two hose-clamps. I was skeptical, but when I started putting it all together it fit pretty well. I finished it off by wrapping the hose and clamps in white electric tape for a better look.

Then I got pumped up! Got a small gas tank some zip ties, and some 2 cycle oil... Time to finish my build!

Needless to say, I cried myself to sleep last night when the back tire refused to turn the drive sprocket on the motor.

Convinced I know nothing about engines and effed it up big time, I started calling lawnmower repair guys in panic. Then... Idea...

I remembered seeing a place on craigslist that sells motorized bikes in wisconsin. I left a message for lynn at custom motored earlier today, and she ended up calling me back tonight. She helped me with my clutch problem over the phone, and because of her, (along with everyone else here who has helped me)... Today I had the maiden voyage... YEEE HAW!!! Lol... got the bike dirty, but it was worth it... see pics...

I can now see how people get addicted to these MB things!!! LOL


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