Schwinn Spoiler group/registry


New Member
Hi guys,

Im a member of the Schwinn Spoiler Group and Registry. Im just putting these links out in case any of you wish to join. Both the groups are of facebook.

Spoiler Group.
Basicly a bunch of Spoiler/XL owners who post pics of there bikes and help out with modding tips and part(s) finding.
Schwinn Spoiler Group/

Spoiler Registry.
We are trying to find out where all the Schwinn Spoilers are around the world. We have quite a few members who have listed there bike serial numbers but we need more spoiler owners/sn to add to the list.
Spoiler Registry/

Im hoping that you Spoiler/ XL owners out there will join up.

Hey Tom

Good looking group.Lots of cool bikes.
It looks like it's getting better since you guys showed up.
I tried to join and I guess it's pending.
When will I know.

Hey Tom

Good looking group.Lots of cool bikes.
It looks like it's getting better since you guys showed up.
I tried to join and I guess it's pending.
When will I know.


Hi Rick,
Im not sure how this request to join thing works! but I dont think it should take to long. Welcome on board mate.

Thanks again, BossCat, for sharing the Spoiler Registry / Group with the Forum.

Since both of these are not a For Sale Thread's, thought I'd share the Schwinn Stingray Motorized Chopper Owners Group / Registry, and it's open to all Schwinn Stingray Motorized Chopper Owner's even the Spoiler Chopper Owners.

Here' the Link to my Thread Titled: Schwinn Stingray Motorized Chopper Owners Group / Registry:

Peace Crazy Horse.

Since these threads above and below are not a For Sale Threads I thought why not share the Thread for Regular Schwinn Stingray Motorized Chopper owners group also.

Schwinn Spoilers Group:
"Quoted from above:
BossCat.s Thread for Spoiler Owners Group / Registry:
Schwinn Spoiler group/registry
Hi guys,

I'm a member of the Schwinn Spoiler Group and Registry. I'm just putting these links out in case any of you wish to join. Both the groups are of facebook.

Spoiler Group.
Basically a bunch of Spoiler/XL owners who post pics of there bikes and help out with modding tips and part(s) finding.
Schwinn Spoiler Group/

Spoiler Registry.
We are trying to find out where all the Schwinn Spoilers are around the world. We have quite a few members who have listed there bike serial numbers but we need more spoiler owners/sn to add to the list.
Spoiler Registry/

I'm hoping that you Spoiler/ XL owners out there will join up.

Tom. " End Quote"

The Regular Schwinn Stingray Chopper owners Group, are a group who share information about ALL Schwinn Stingray Choppers models and help out with modding tips etc...etc...

Check it out if you like.
Here's The Schwinn Stingray Motorized Choppers Owners Group click on Link Below

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