Schwinn "Point Beach" Cruiser

I'm just getting started in this, Engine kit should be here Monday, And today Fed Ex dropped of a brand new Point Beach for me to assemble, and there I ran into my first problem. I had already ordered some Testors 1629 and I open the box and ..... IT'S BLUE!
Anyone have any idea of a paint to match this beast?
Rereading what i posted, I realize my old college English teacher would have just given me another big F for writing another sentence where the objects and their modifiers weren't clear. I guess that sentence could get interpreted either way, but yeah, the new bikes are blue!

Many Walmarts like mine, do still have the red ones in stock, so right now people may have a choice. I ordered mine for home delivery cause i discovered that they only charge $2.97 shipping, and ordering it insured some idiot wouldn't be doing the initial assembly and stripping all the nuts, and for that little it was worth not having to go to the store and haul it home. The old Red definitely has it as far as the Coolness factor, but the new dark blue has a classy good look of it's own. I like the new blue also because it isn't as flashy as the red, and may not catch the police eye as quick. I think the stock black parts also will blend better with the new Blue, all this is rhetorical info for anyone wanting review type info. Bottom line on color choice is it's going to be personal preference.
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I used my 5 year old blue/white Point Beach cruiser to motorize. Re-greased my crank, fork and neck bearings, wheels are good and true still. I stripped it down for a black paint job and is in pieces right now but you can see the prototype i road around for a handful of short rides i my album. Solid bike all around and fast even without the kit. xct2