saddle bags for occ chopper

How do you mount the saddle bags to the OCC?

Anybody who has mounted some, give me some ideas.. I really want to mount some on my XL OCC.



You might want to check out Wal-Mart's motorcycle section. I got a set of bags (called handlebar bags) for 50 bucks for two. They have buckles to keep them shut and they seem to be pretty solid. Some stores dont have a motorcycle section but, if they do, they're close to automotive and they also have motorcycle helmets. I'll try and get a picture today and post it so you can see them on my bike. Hope it helps.
does anybody know where to get some rear saddle bags for the occ chopper? I don't want them very big since the chopper isn't too big, I'm worried it would look like a little too much.

i was looking for one for myself and i found it in fleebay.
check this out:
Item number: 400099409817
you might like it.
ps: i m related to the buyer, I am just trying to help.
Here's the bags I got from WalMart. They were about 25 bucks a peice and they seem to hold up pretty well.


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Saddle bags OCC

Found these saddle bags at a yard sale. Coulden't pass them up, all heavy leather! Replaced my old nylon saddle bags.


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hey Motorbike Wanabe whats with the MAGIC bike? In the pic on the left of yer bike it's standin all by its self no stand or nothing!!! or am I just "not" seeing things?

Just thought it was funny.
hey Motorbike Wanabe whats with the MAGIC bike? In the pic on the left of yer bike it's standin all by its self no stand or nothing!!! or am I just "not" seeing things?

Just thought it was funny.

SHhhhh! It's a secret. If you promise not to tell...

Area 51 1/2 was getting a little bit too much attention and press so, "they" (various low, growly voices that are typically heard over speakerphone in heavily sound-proofed meeting rooms) decided to move various testing and operations into the most secret of areas- plain sight! We're part of a group that is doing testing of various forms of levitation. We're testing the effects of combining gyroscopes and flux-capcitors to obtain some sort of leveling force to keep our "unauthorized long-distance space transports" from moving around so much while traveling and keeping a set heading. The hardest part so far has been keeping enough new guys around to ride the thing in the thunderstorms. I can't tell you where they've all gone but, I have a short video of one of the experiments. zpt

Hey, it could be worse. You should see the guys who are testing the next generation of toilets!

Don't tell anyone though.

Agent 007.25887452113464
Nah it has a kickstand. Its a "motorcycle" style one.
Hey where did you obtain the speedo from?? Thats a new one on me! :-)

I would have responded sooner but I was staring at grainy photos of the grassy knoll.

Actually, before the dark tinted windowed, black suburbans start parking outside of my house, I better fess up. Believe it or not, we're not part of a select brand of techno-ologists, searching for another dimension void of time or mass. Actually, we forgot to put put the kick stand back into the photo after we were done photo-chopping Elvis and Bigfoot out of the picture. They weren't too concerned about people suggesting that they still exist (heck, folks do that all the time) they were really concerned about everyone knowing their penchant for riding motorbikes! :eek:

we'll be more careful not to mislead anyone when we're trying to mislead everyone. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I found the bags at Wal Mart, in their small motorcycle section. If you find the cycle helmets, that's where the saddle bags (actually handlebar bags) were.

The tank was found on the 'bay. It's for a Pagsta Choppa. Sometimes you can find them on there. Hope this helps.