Ryobi friction drive, fun build

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The spindle was something I made from some black steel pipes.
3" long pieces of pipe inserted into each other.
It took 4 sizes of pipe to work down to 1/2" internal diameter. 1",3/4", 1/2" and 3/8"
I turned the outside dimension down on each size until they fit inside each other. Not fun or quick. Then I heated them with an acetylene torch and brazed the ends to make them as one. Drilled and tapped 5/16" set screws to anchor the to the clutch shaft.
It's far easier to dish out the $20 and buy one from BMP. I just wanted to see if i could do it myself. Cut each groove with a hack saw. Probably a total of 8 hrs or so. It's one heavy spindle..
No, I haven't noticed the clutch slipping.
The roller will slip though under full throttle up a steep hill if the tension on the roller to tire is not sufficient. The roller also tends to loose tire grip if the tire is wet or dirty.
If your clutch is actually slipping you will shorten it's life span considerably.
It's possible that you have glazed the clutch pads if it has been slipping for awhile.
I'd see if you can take the shoes out and rough them up with some sandpaper .
It probably wouldn't hurt to rough up the inside of the clutch bell as well.
