
Dee Jsaan urged me to sign on with his website, Riquimbili. It is slanted to our Cuban brothers and sisters that have been kicked by the same mule. I laid my tired old essay on them about life with motorbikes in the 40's amd
50's because it is loaded with "how to" stuff and that is what they are craving. I felt a strange kinship with them and finally laid my finger on it. THEY ARE STUCK in the 50's through no fault of their own. As I read of their struggle to contrive transportation out of anything available, I grew to admire their spirit and inginuity. I joined the Havana Journal and read some tales of their motorbikes. They use stolen chainsaw engines, Russian tank auxhillary motors, about anything they can get ahold of. Some of them race them, reaching speeds of 65 mph. The fuel tank typically is a plastic pop bottle hanging from the bars. I also read of the oppression and women and children in prison, and executions. It will break your heart to read how they live. Anyhow, he could use some moderators if you want to be a big frog in a tiny pond. Bilingual would be nice too. Dee is at [email protected] if you want to help. The internet is illegal there, but I am sure there are wireless ones stashed away.lworider1