Right way to mount my engine to my OCC using Barrys mount?


New Member
Hello friends, I started working on my OCC after a long hiatus. I've been looking all over the forum cannot get the info I need, maybe someone can help. Bought a skyhawk gt2a a while back and it seems to line up nicely to barrys mount I got from ebay. But the threading on the bolts coming out of the motor stop at a certain point and bolts and bracket cannot reach all the way down to fully bolt down motor..so there is a little play/slack

Do I need to put something over the tubing on the mount to make it thicker? Or some extra spacers over the brackets? I thought the engine would bolt right on the mount metal to metal. Any suggestions? Or am i just doing it all wrong?... Thanks
I have used a bunch of Barry's mounts,,,
never had this issue :(
could you post some pics, so we could see what is happening ?
I will try to get some pics tomorrow morning. It seems the bolts on the engine are too long and they are not threaded all the way, so there is a gap between the bracket and mount. Im not able to tighten it enough to clamp on the mount nice and tight. Its like to setup was to fit on a larger frame instead of the small tubes on the mount, I hope I can fix this soon... anyone?
Get rid of the studs and go with Allen head cap screws of the proper length. There is no reason to rely on studs and nuts for your application. Cap screws typically come in a grade 8 or 8.8 metric and are superior to the kit studs and you only have one set of threads to worry about as opposed to two.

As far as the space between the engine mount and whatever you're mounting to, that space needs to be filled/eliminated so you have full contact over the surface of the mount. EMT (electrical conduit) can be cut and sliced to provide you with a metal bushing. Whatever you do, don't fill that space with rubber or any resilient material.

Thanks 2Door! So you mean the studs attached to the motor are removable? Will they screw out of the engine so that I can use the appropriate size allen head cap screw? Thanks i just dont wanna mess anything up
Thanks 2Door! So you mean the studs attached to the motor are removable? Will they screw out of the engine so that I can use the appropriate size allen head cap screw? Thanks i just dont wanna mess anything up
Sure, they'll screw out. Just double nut them and turn them right out. Put two nuts, back to back on the stud, tighten them but don't over do it, then put your wrench on the nut closest to the engine and screw the stud out. They usually aren't all that tight from the factory.
If you overtighten the nuts too much you can damage the threads on the stud. Not good if you ever plan to use them again. Tighten the nuts against each other just enough so they don't turn on the stud but instead turn the stud.
Good luck.

2Door, youre the man! worked like a charm...i'm ignorant of all these little things but learning alot thanks to this forum. Turns out the studs that came w/ the motor were too long and will be heading to my hardware store for those allen caps. Don't think i will be uploading pics but mucho thanks Azbill!

I'll be posting pics of the finished build
all good :)
been really sick for a couple of weeks and my brain is foggier than usual, I shoulda been able to picture it like tom (2door) did ;)