Ridin to the Polls!!!


New Member
hello all

I voted this morning, and of course i road my motorbicycle(dubed: The Drama Bike) to the polls, my 1st long ride and 1st pres election!!! a day of 1st.

i had a 15mile ride to the polls and 20mile back up to work (35miles), with an avarege speed of 25mph, all on highways(car goin 50+, and little shoulder).


so when i got to the polls, i got 7 poeple just walk right up to me, and start askin about my bike, it was soo cool. ^5

so who else road there little macheans to the polls? and what type of reaction did you get?
This is funny, found out wile trying to vote my last name is misspelled on my driver's license. Had to go to town hall and fill out paper work to vote. Now I am dual named and am going to start a company as my own evil twin. hehe, win/win. I get to compete with my self
I rode to the polls tonight, went late to avoid long lines, left at 6:30pm got there in about 5 min. no one there, I guess I went at the right time!
This is funny, found out wile trying to vote my last name is misspelled on my driver's license. Had to go to town hall and fill out paper work to vote. Now I am dual named and am going to start a company as my own evil twin. hehe, win/win. I get to compete with my self

that works
Mike, great sig! The sound of one hand voting, snork.

What if when I am in Competition in biz with my self, and I beat myself? (would take the fun out of my favorite hobby)((bike building and marketing)) rotfl