You know what I was just contemplating right now? after reading again the "bicycle resistance" thread I noticed that, cyclists get together in groups and whine about everything. they have their own clubs and they fight to keep their rights. they have representation .
Here in California they managed to make it so that bicycles dont have to make a complete stop on stop signs, because its unpractical to stop and unhook your cycling shoes every time. instead they just have to slow down to 5mph before crossing, treating it like a yield sign
maybe we should take a page out of their book and form organizations as well. because it seems to me, that with all the press these things are getting, the MAN is about to try and end our little fun pretty soon. Its coming. l
ike my little brother says "once theres a lot of you, government is gonna look at this and say 'humm how can we make money from this'" . you know things like registrations, licenses, insurance, classes, taxes ect. perhaps it would be good to be prepared?
I would nominate deacon for president. or norman if he promises to wear is metal helmet!
just an idea, I have'nt thought it through yet. I wanted to hear your (the community's) opinion.
Here in California they managed to make it so that bicycles dont have to make a complete stop on stop signs, because its unpractical to stop and unhook your cycling shoes every time. instead they just have to slow down to 5mph before crossing, treating it like a yield sign
maybe we should take a page out of their book and form organizations as well. because it seems to me, that with all the press these things are getting, the MAN is about to try and end our little fun pretty soon. Its coming. l
ike my little brother says "once theres a lot of you, government is gonna look at this and say 'humm how can we make money from this'" . you know things like registrations, licenses, insurance, classes, taxes ect. perhaps it would be good to be prepared?
I would nominate deacon for president. or norman if he promises to wear is metal helmet!
just an idea, I have'nt thought it through yet. I wanted to hear your (the community's) opinion.