Recommed a good source for drill bits?

Found a great place to get bits and cutters;

Really fast and cheap. Like a good date.

I had ordered a short shank, twisted reamer and they accidently sent me a st8 fluted one. I asked about an exchange and the replied with a link to twitter and face book. I didn't understand. Today in the mail was the one I did order. Very cool of them!
Yes, I'd say so.

Following the advice of one of the posters above, I'm now drilling at lower RPMs. And I'm getting somewhat better at sharpening bits on the bench grinder. I still don't do very well at 1/8 inch bits. But I can put a decent edge on 3/16.

The night that I started this thread I just couldn't get through that steel for some reason. It's still kinda mysterious to me just what was going wrong right then.

But since then it's been more like it was before. A lotta holes in steel can get to be a bit tiresome. But at least it's do-able.
I'll second what Dan says, is probably your best bet, lot of choices. Personally I wouldn't bother with sharpening any bit that cost less than a couple dollars, hard to get a decent sharpening without proper equipment.