Rear Wheel Spokes Breaking


Hows everyone going mick29 here Has anyone had rear wheel spokes break Ive been riding a Kmart $100 bike with a 48cc motor for 3yrs every day to work I bought myself an APOLLO MB and a new motor kit and a new rear sprocket and carrier Ive been riding it to work since xmas no probs but I noticed today it has 4 broken spokes all on the opposite side of the sprocket I dont ride on dirt tracks or do rough things on it WHY WOULD the spokes break? thanks mick29
they break because they're cheap spokes, and i'm assuming you have the stock sprocket set up with the rag joint, right? the torsion applied to the wheel from being driven off the spokes will tweak both sides, a push pull effect.

also, most new bikes don't have the spokes properly tensioned, and they'll loosen up.

upgrading to a sprocket adapter that runs off the hub and a wheel with 12gauge spokes will solve all your problems.

check out i think they have cheap, heavy duty wheels for mountain bikes.

and creative engineering or pirate cycles for the adapter.
If you want the smaller spokes to last, Don't overtighten the rag joint.
Also, once you install the rag joint, re-check all the spokes for proper tension and make sure your wheel is true.