Rear Wheel off Center

Tom, I believe your assumption that the original skinny tire was off center and not as noticeable is likely correct. The stays were not spread for any reason I can tell. From what I could find out about this frame and motor kit it was something Grubee cobbled together and marketed. It rear wheel had a band brake assembly sandwiched in on the drive chain side which took up a good deal of space, hence the skinny tire I would guess.

Since I did away with the band brake, and am using the original hub and axle.....lots of space. As to the objects on the end of the arrows. The brass looking piece is a brass spacer inserted to keep the stays from being drawn in. The inside piece is a sprocket coupler I turned to attach the sprocket to the wheel hub.

At this point, other than appearance, everything looks like it should work. I will try to post my engine mount solution courtesy of your expertise Tom. I made the front mount out of some angle I had laying around and welded it to the frame. I just modified the rear mount to bolt up. I figured that should I have to put another 2-stroke on it the bolt patterns likely would be different and this way I should only have to deal with the permanent mount.

I think that when I finally get some time in the shop that I will probably set things up as they are and see how it goes. I need to make a mount for a wide caliper rim brake I picked up on e-bay, then see if I can remember how to hook everything back up and go from there.

SB, my friend. As for me being "perfectly off-center" I'll take that as a compliment and go with it. If I'm off-center the opposite direction of the wheel it should look pretty good! With the tank you gave me I will try to put two of them together saddle style. I'm sure someone has done it already and it would be nice to see how it worked for them. I'll likely put the peanut on and try to get things in working order and go from there. Just haven't been in the shop hardly at all. Been very busy enjoying life and still working with the kids as much as I can. It brings me much happiness and satisfaction doing that type of work.

I haven't forgotten about the copper tank project. Hopefully soon I'll have the wood stove fired up and be back at it in the shop. Stop by anytime!

Thank you all for taking time to help,

I have an idea. Mount the seat off-center to match the tire then from the rear everything will look right when you're riding :)

Now we are getting somewhere! How come I didn't think of that Tom? With all this wonderful insight from you fellas this should be a very interesting bike by the time I'm finished. I knew I'd get the help I needed with this build, all I had to do was ask.
