Quick Question: what will bond to plastic fuel tank?

My method of fixing plastic tanks has worked plenty of times. I just use a lighter (make sure tank is free of gas of course) and some donor plastic and you melt the plastic into and fill the crack. If you are having problem with it sealing you can fill the tank with cold water before you start so it will harden faster. I have used plastic from 20 oz bottles perfectly.
I tried the two part epoxy (paste type stuff). Worked like a charm. It even says for gas tanks on the package. I got mine a Mary Carter in Cullman.

Hey Steve,

Heard you ran into the Hot Pink bike I built the other day, DO NOT RACE HER, she smoked my doors all day Saturday, and I was running the GEBE #13 highway gear, while hers had the #12 tooth normal one.

I'm giving her credit, she got the bike on Sunday afternoon, and the price of a barrel of oil dropped $14.

Anyway, day 3 and the epoxy is still holding...........
My method of fixing plastic tanks has worked plenty of times. I just use a lighter (make sure tank is free of gas of course) and some donor plastic and you melt the plastic into and fill the crack. If you are having problem with it sealing you can fill the tank with cold water before you start so it will harden faster. I have used plastic from 20 oz bottles perfectly.

Well, the epoxy patch peeled away from the plastic like a large butterfly.

The crack was small, slower than the slowest faucet drip, but it was dripping right onto the spoke ring, making an unsightly mess.

When I filled up for yesterdays ride, I noticed NO drip, so maybe just enough of the epoxy got into that miniscule crack to seal it. (hopefully).