PVC gas tank question. Please help

Here is a related thread with build parts lists, photos, and conversation about PVC tube and end caps used to build MB fuel tanks.

There are different grades of plastic, and many fuel tanks are made of it, including the large square 5gallon pure alcohol cans for race track use.
PVC is not the same plastic, but has worked for a lot of people to make go cart, mb, and generator tanks.

I would like to see some pics.. I like the idea of a pvc tank. Cheap and easy.
Maybe the shutoff I got from Sick was American threading then. It was a BEAR to get in the china kit tank. lol.

Here, I used this on a home-made intake manifold and it worked. It says solvent resistant on the package and 3200PSI strength on aluminum to aluminum. http://sadpanda.us/images/601540-VL73CZR.png

Loctite brand instant-mix epoxy

The stock Chinese shut off valves are 10 mm 1.0