Problem with motor.


New Member
So I was going to take to bike out for a spin and show my friend the 26cc beast that i created, lol "26 cc beast", but for some reason the bike would not start. it uses compression to start so i was peddling as long as my legs could stand to try and warm it up but it just would not start, and advice on what the problem might be. Any would be helpful. thank you!
I got to thinking about it and i dont think i really gave enough info about the problem but that is all i know so just a list of problems would be good to.
Well i dont really know a lot about motors but the past few time i rode it i just left it with the choke off and it has been running until the last time i tried. so i use not choke the first time i tried to start it but then i tried full and half choke.
can you lift your engine... If so lift it and use a rope to pull start it using the directions on the engine. Sometimes it's a throttle thing. It gets flooded then it won't start till it just has time to dry out. I pull start all my engines warm them up then take off. If they die they always start back very easily.
Okay, next time i get the bike out i will try that. I hope that is the problem because that will be an easy fix.
I have one right now doing that. My weed whacker is like that. It floods at the drop of a hat. While you have yours running you might need to adjust the carb but if it runs for you,leave the carb alone. I can screw one up in a heart beat, then spend a week getting it back to where it was.

After you get it running and warm, if you need to restart it by pedaling don't give it much gas till it is trying to run then give it throttle and it should take off. I never try to drag off a cold engine.

Well I did have to drag off the china kit bike, but I learned to hate that cause when I hadn't used it in a while, it could be a mutha to start.
is there a primer bulb on the carb? I find that sometimes in my WW bike the oil settles and makes it very very hard to start. Before I start my WW bike I shake the heck out of it and prime the carb a lot. It is still hard to start but it helps a lot. I've found that anytime I let my WW bike sit for longer than a few days its a b!tch to start.

Also when you do let it sit, and the oil settles I found it fouls the plug, so if I let it sit and try and run it I usually have to clean my plug too.

hope that helps.
My Ww has sat too long for sure. Now everything is going wrong with it. The chainsaw did about the same thing. CArb problems every time I turn around. Not the 42cc craftsman doesn't seem to do that. I blocked off the return line today. It kept coming loose and I had to pull the engine almost all the way off to reconnect it. I just pulled it loose and ran a screw into it.

If the 33 bike runs this time I'm going to leave it alone for a while lol. If not I might just look for a new engine to replace it. It's my own fault I broke the carb while trying to realign the throttle control. Oh well. It's only my kid's inheritance.

The big plus for the chainsaw bike is the two bearing drive shaft. It allows for the spring return to stay on the engine. I pulled mine off the 33 bike and screwed that up to. LIfe is not good lol.
If it has spark, I would suspect dirt in the jets, especially if it is the usual cubic diaphragm type. If you test your spark, be SURE you keep the sparkplug connected to ground. Otherwise you will break down the insulation internally in the coil. Of course you also could have water in the tank or a carbon whisker across the plug gap. They are almost invisable as they are thin. That is what you get if you don't use ashless 2-cycle oil.
Keith (trackfodder) Williams ^5