Pretty incredible

i remember dropping a triumph 200cc tiger cub at 60mph some decades ago and finding for the first time that momentum and also kinetic energy have an exponential relationship with speed.

Not that i had all that figgered out at the time.

But when it's your own body that is doing the somersault & the skidding and rolling down the stuff... takes a few seconds ...but it gets your attention when it's yer own body that is doing the teaching of the lesson.


Do you know THE FEAR?

Dodge Tomahawk motorcycle concept car in review thats the site for the tomahawk. after seeing it again i'd have to raise the aero numbers to something like .9 drag 12 area and it weighs 1500 lbs, that comes out to 1972.5 hp to reach 300 mph. if you watch the vid the guy can barely ride it, every bump throws him off track. they sold some for $550,000 each. talk about more money than brains.
For a little more money I'd buy one of these instead


There's just something appealing about being able to melt the front fascia of the car behind you while waiting for the light to change. rotfl

Wonder if this can be fitted to a bike?

Turbine powered scooter

that y2k bike is sick! the turbine powered scooter looks weak tho :( I'm more interested in quick acceleration than eventual top speed. Sounds bad ass but doesn't kick in right away.
Turbines don't have any bottom end. Lots of HP but almost no torque unless you're spooling up a heavy flywheel. One of the reasons you don't see any turbine powered cars.