So Deacon do you develop the picture and then scan it in a computer? I have seen that type of camera but since it was a Poloroid I thought it only used the instant photo.
So Deacon do you develop the picture and then scan it in a computer? I have seen that type of camera but since it was a Poloroid I thought it only used the instant photo.
I shoot a negative first, then develop that, then scan it and work it digitally afterward. I use a very small editor to do the same edits I used to do in the dark room. The clone of the doorbell is no more than the old paint out of a negative. \
Some of the polaroids had a decent lens and some didn't. I find that the old roll film polaroids had pretty good lenses. I developed a conversion process to adapt them to shoot modern 120 roll film, but this time i want to shoot a 4x5 sheet of film in the camera just the way it is. I don't want to butcher the camera this time.
I have one Polaroid, as a matter of fact I made this image with a Polaroid with that kind of lens, that shoots 120 film. I also have one that shoots 2x3 sheet film using the old film holders with dark slides you have to pull to shoot it. it should be fun once I get the film holder designed. I have a lot of frozen 4x5 film left from the old days when I shot my graflex camera ...I used to have a icon of me and the graflex but I switched it for a bike.