Police Hypocrisy...............

and this one time there was a cop who turned his lights on so he wouldn't have to sit at the red light.

The other drivers were so upset that they chased the cop screaming citizens arrest.

and the sheriff arrested him cause you can do that citizens arrest thing. :)

It takes an act of congress to pass a "law", these are not laws, they are municipal, city and state CODES. Big difference, I wish people would learn the difference.

BTW commercial codes do not apply to anyone not engaged in commerce.

Congress passed MANY LAWS giving each individual STATE the ability to make it's own laws...

Don't try to make it sound that every state statute and every municipality's ordinance is not law... LOL. That's just nuts.

Just like that one guy who tried to say that he had the right to "drive" anywhere he wanted. He didn't realize that you have the right to TRAVEL anywhere you want on public roads, not drive, per se.
Don't try to make it sound that every state statute and every municipality's ordinance is not law... LOL. That's just nuts.

I guess that would depend on what JURISDICTION one would RESIDE in and the ability of the so called "officer of the law" as well as the courts to prove.

Freedom of thought is not prohibited yet. I am ok with my own being challenged. Some bend over, some don't.usflg