piston pin bearing

Delrin is not heat resistant enough for my tastes. I'd be afraid they would soften and droop or fly off under use.
Teflon I KNOW works...not sure about others.
The best thing I have ever used for this is teflon or other HDPE type plastic capable of withstanding high temps. I have used teflon scrap from industrial work for a pair of washers on the pin to keep the pin bearing centered between the bosses and on the rod journal.
I don't have any scientific theory to prove it, but I'm absolutely POSITIVE the bearing takes a much worse beating when half of it is hanging out in the breeze. Half the surface area if nothing else right?
Besides, I've seen the difference myself. The particular engine I refer to would eat a top end bearing about every three months like clockwork, even using high quality german bearings. When we came up with the washers to hold the bearing centered, it stopped munching parts. Running several years now with no more failures.
I once saw the same thing in here somewhere, so I know I'm not imagining things.
I have to agree that it can't be a good thing for that bearing to slip off to the side, I was surprised just how far it could slip. Really, the piston should be made to fit the bearing better, or the connecting rod, but both add weight. I see amazon has a large variety of ptfe washers that could work for cheap. If it makes it through the season I may just pull it apart to see how it held up and add any shims. I have a feeling I may have one of those bearing munchers.
46 miles now, running great. top speed on flat ground by gps at 34mph with a 41t on 26" wheel. Interesting week though, started out breaking a spoke on the ragjoint side at 32mph (pothole). Fixed that. Gas tank started leaking at the studs. soldered them (scary). put a new plug in and broke my plug wire. replaced that. Took a nice ride through rouge park and am still alive and have my wallet. I'll call it a good week, as the bike is still going.
I've hit 100miles now without a problem. Probably won't update till 500 miles or the end of the season, or it's demise. I passed an inquisitive looking sheriff yesterday. He did not bother with me at all. I've officially hit 35mph, I don't think 36 will happen. Happy motoring.
Nice to know about teh Stihl bearing... I also noticed the excessive slop in the pin clearance on my last build and ended up using a wider bearing than I wanted. It does look like the Stihl bearing with PTFE washers should be a winning combination tho.