Piston Bikes Customer "Service"


New Member
I was planning on buying a SkyHawk today and chose Piston Bikes for that matter, but after several calls, problems and research I gave up on it. I live in Puerto Rico and some companies (in ebay as well) seem to think either PR is in asia or people here live in the jungle and ride on horses or something.

When it comes to shipping, it's the same process and costs as to any other state, especially with flat rate boxes from USPS. So instead of taking my order and gain a new customer, they told me (without giving me any reason, not even a bad one) that they can't ship to PR. So they wanted me to order anyways, pay $35 for shipping, just so it get shipped to another company that would ship it then finally to me - of course with an extra cost of more than $75.....

I ended up calling GasBike and 5 minutes later it was payed and done for a total of $179...

Thank you Piston Bikes. As a business owner (myself) this is how you make sure you won't have a good reputation.
ouch im so sorry to hear that gasbike is one of the worst companies i EVER delt with and the GT-5 motor that they sent me is a paper weight now and they say its my fault with out knowing anything about it i told them my problem and they didnt care and when i ordered other parts to fix there crappy kit they took forever and when i finally got it the box was half crushed and everything was just tossed inside
the new factory has no quality control at all on the GT-5 if you get a good one you are lucky they pack them poorly so things get broken in shipping and its was just a huge headache for me replacing parts every 2-3 days on it the CDI the magneto the useless CNS carb and the list goes on the worst thing is if you try to use the 410 chain they send with there kit or any of there hardware the epa muffler is trash it clogs in no time if you run to much oil which if you listen to the manual you are going to run to much its a headache the GT-4 was supposedly a great motor thats where skyhawk has a reputation from now they just put out cheap junk and alot of people but it because of there old reputation as a good company. i hope you got a good one but i have my doubts since mine had atleast 10 problems before i gave up on it and bought my flying horse
the electrical in it sucked out on mine and there casting also sucks some people have posted about them losing pin clips and seizing holes in the pistons from the factory bad bearings there company isnt what it used to be lots of problems and i hope you have a NT carb to put on it if you want it to run good the CNS is trash. i hope you are one of the lucky few that get a good one that will last you a few miles