dodge dude94
New Member
I lapped it a bit a couple weeks ago. I'm waiting until I get my parts order in because I'm going to be pulling the entire engine and working it dude you cylinder head looks pretty rough there, to be honest i don't think theres much need to polish it but a bit or work with some finer sandpaper might help a bit. Also if you looking for performance increase there are plenty of mods out there that don't take much time and can yield beneficial results. If your looking to modify the head for more power try making a better squish band.
What do you mean by making a better squish band?
Sand your combustion chamber down a bit by hand, to get most of the paint and/or roughness off, then take a dremel tool and use a BRASS wire brush, that will bring out a real nice smoothness.
Never thought about that. I will remember that. Thanks.