Paying for motorized bicycle hobbies... how do members do it!

Re: Paying for MB hobbies... how do members do it!

My hobbie money comes from any OT or bonus' at work or what I can sneak out of the normal pay. I'm the svc. mgr. at the LBS. It's a career by now I guess; I've been doing it on and off for 23 years now. I also have a small side gig making knife lanyards/survival key fobs/bracelets/zipper pulls and selling them at local gun shows. "Scott's Knots" is small but fun and growing :)
Re: Paying for MB hobbies... how do members do it!

I'm single and a tech for Vw. The problem with me is that my hobbies also include my car and radio control cars/trucks....both very expensive. Anyhoo...i'm off to work. Time to start up the bike and leave the Rabbit parked at home!