Oil Leaking


New Member
There's a lot of oil on top of my engine. I will check the spark plug and head bolts for tightness when she cools down. I also have oil dripping out of the exhaust; not a lot, but enough of it to be a nuisance.
I let it cool down and tightened the spark plug. I'll get something to degrease the engine tomorrow. Hopefully that was the problem.
What mix are you running? If the oil was at the top of the head, it was most likely the spark plug gasket leaking.
I ran 7 ounces in my first gallon. I'm going to lower that to 5 oz per gal.
I'm not sure if I even have a spark plug gasket; do they come with new sparkplugs?
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Yeah, that's a possibility too. Look closely.

The plugs I've used have a "gasket" or thick washer. NGK B5HS.
These stock exhaust gaskets seem like they're made of rice paper I swear. Mine blew out like it was nothing.
No problem whatsoever, from 50 degrees F to 95 degrees F.
24:1 synthetic oil.
Proper mix of fuel and air. The plug stays clean and I have never even thought about "heat issues".
For those of you that are worried about it being too hot, use a B6HS or a B7HS, or whatever you want.