Occ stingray murdered out


New Member
.trkWell I've been a long time looker but never a member. I just finished my second build and it was interesting to say the least. I chose a OCC schwinn Stingray frame with 27" Ape hangers. i got it for $20 this past summer at a yard sale. It did not have the original seat and was very rusty. Got the "80cc" 2 stroke in black with a Manic Mechanic hub adapter and the famous Barry from E BAY mount. All cables and wiring except the clutch cable is routed through frame and handle bars. i removed the original sprocket and chain for looks and the fact that the **** muffler is in the way. i did not use a chain tensioner but made my own rear tire tensioner. installed a metal angle brace on the front bolt of the motor mount for foot rest. oh and the front brake is in the mail.


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WOW. tire on backwards i think it really does not matter. since the bike was such a pain to build i'm not going to turn it around till it goes flat.
it would only be a little different in a heavy down pour of rain,I read some articles on directional car tires and the findings are that it really affects the traction very little and that is only in rain. Your tires are ok
its got a 36 tooth sprocket from Pirate Cycles. DOnt know how fast it goes yet because i'm working on installing brakes. The bike has alot of torque.
Some times stopping power is more important! How many times have you been cut off because the driver saw a bike coming down the road and thought it was going 10mph but it was you doing 35?!!!!!! Disc front and rear with upgraded 180 and 215mm rotors on my personal ride..duh.
Some times stopping power is more important! How many times have you been cut off because the driver saw a bike coming down the road and thought it was going 10mph but it was you doing 35?!!!!!! Disc front and rear with upgraded 180 and 215mm rotors on my personal ride..duh.

QFT. If you accelerate quicker than you can decelerate, your stupidity is inversely proportional to that factor squared. Moreso if you hit something and only then decelerate quicker than accelerate. :D
Got to agree. Several years ago I purchased a hubmotor with the idea of gliding soundlessly to the store, mailbox, etc. Finally it arrived, and I feverishly worked to get it installed. Removed the front wheel (with disc brake) and bolted up the wheel. Decided to put the disc on the back, so I disconnected the rear brake and put the linear arms on the never used pegs on the front forks. Wired everything up, and decided to *see what she'll do*. Not bad...18-20 mph...nothing phenominal but perfect for short jaunts. About that time someone with a huge white GMC 4 X 4 decided to back out of their driveway in front of me. I pulled on the brake levers and .....OH &*#$. Did the Flintstone braking technique, and the truck was still getting bigger. Laid it down and as I half slid under the truck the lady sticks her head out her window and nonchalantly said, "better get the brakes fixed" Yeah yeah.....