Note for Jesse James chopper riders.


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
If you take the time to flip the steering clamp around to the back, you will have clearance to drop the fork tubes in the tripleclamps.
This reduces that "falling into the back wheel" feeling and also improves handling quite a bit. It rides SO much nicer this way in my opinion.
My friend agrees!
(it was too cold for ME to ride, so I found a patsy)

Can't go any lower without the frame dragging!
If the expression on your friend's face is any indication I'd say your idea works just fine.
But does he always ride in a Haz-Mat suit? :)

It's a sweatsuit, the boots are because he works at a Smuckers factory and has to steam clean daily. Lol! I mess with him about the suit myself....
Hey, at least his pants are not hanging off showing his drawers....
I'm calling it all good.