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All right then. Since I got it straight from the horses mouth. I guess I don't have to worry.:D
Now if I could just quit riding the thing long enough to paint it.:ride:
Another option would be to leave the bike as is and just get a Capt. America suit to wear whenever you ride. Just kiddin'.

I found some wavy flag decals a couple of years ago. They were high quality, fit contours well and I used them on the fuselage of a model airplane. They even stood up to fuel spills and exhaust from the engine. Sorry, have no idea where you could find them today. They were sold at a BP station but I haven't seen anything like them since that time.
My advice would be to tape off the design you want and try it yourself using water based paint to start with. When you get process down and the 'look' you want wash off the water paint and go with a good enamel, like 'One Shot' sign painter's paint. The feeling of satisfaction of 'doing it yourself' will be worth the time you devote to it. Keep the pictures coming.
There is a long story involving a Bat-man suit, a MB and beer where I don't come out looking to cool. Alls I have to say is beware of capes and bike chains.

Although they do look cool as your going.
Funny, I'd considered wearing my Darth Vader costume and riding around the neighborhood Halloween night. Guess now I'm glad my wife talked me out of it. She was afraid I'd run over someone. Capes and chains, hahahahaha. Didn't even think of that hazard.
LOL! Carol talked me out of riding as "Death" this Halloween. (flowing robe, snork) I was going to make a trailer that looked like a coffin filled with candy and a lantern hanging from a post on the front. "Bring out your dead..." (Monty Python)

Man, we have to do a contest for next yr!!! Dibs on Death! ...and no capes rotfl
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Dang I was Willy Wonka for Halloween, I shoulda hopped on the bike with all sorts of crazy stuff on it pulling a trailer of candy.

Wait, the bike was already broken by then, and I only got 2 sets of tick-or-treaters that night...that woulda been a waste, haha.
Seca, your mission if you choose to accept it; a really cool Captain America MB by October. This post will self destruct in 47 seconds. Captain America Super Deluxe Adult Costume - Costumes Has no cape!

Willy Wonka would be an incredible MB costume! Top hat and tails...

Really, that would be cool.

Now I am thinking "Cat in the hat" would goof on lil people
I'm really thinking about this Halloween MB costume contest for next year. We should push for this and get the moderators to vote, or let everyone vote. There would be some super cool ideas come from this, funny too.
I missed this years Toys Drive where bikers gather and deliver toys to Denver's Children's Hospital. I might have been the only MBer there among all the Harleys but it would have been fun. Maybe next year us Colorado guys should plan for that. We'll just have to bring smaller toys than the other guys.
I'm really thinking about this Halloween MB costume contest for next year. We should push for this and get the moderators to vote, or let everyone vote. There would be some super cool ideas come from this, funny too.
I missed this years Toys Drive where bikers gather and deliver toys to Denver's Children's Hospital. I might have been the only MBer there among all the Harleys but it would have been fun. Maybe next year us Colorado guys should plan for that. We'll just have to bring smaller toys than the other guys.

That is an incredibly great idea Tom, both. Carol and I bought a recumbent trike for an 8 yr old. He has AIDs and can't walk well. The meds made his legs to weak. Wile his Mom was trying to teach him how to ride a bike, the other kids kept asking why he still needed training wheels and hurt his feelings. With the lil 3 wheeler he now cruises around town and goes to see his Dad a few blocks away when ever he feels like it. Awesome feeling. Be cool to set up a NFP. Big $ to set up but can be done free if your operating budget is less then $600 a yr. I am thinking local chapters of MBer's or can be done threw any church, temple or any NFP. Normal contribution to an existing NFP is 10%.

I would like to do a "Santa in July"
Christmas and Thanksgiving folks help out a lot. Folks in need, need help in the summer too.

That kid's Mom, (His name is Issac) addressed congress at a hearing on his condition and Obama was there. They met or some thing, I forget.

I will get permission to post pics of him on this bike. Smile from here to Thursday.
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Would certainly be a way of putting our hobby into a more positive light than running around terroizing the neighbors with our howling 2 strokers. Seriously, getting the bikes out there for people to meet us and see that we're not a bunch of overage kids would be a way to do some good for those who need it and for us. I'll give it some thought. My wife, Char, works for Denver Children's Hospital and has numerous contacts with needy kids. There are all kinds of organizations that do charity work, the Make-a-Wish foundation is just one that comes to mind. I'll talk to her about this.
PS. I'm impressed with your efforts with that unfortunate little guy. Keep it up.
YouTube - Edna Mode scene 1

At 1:56 Edna mode says it all. rotfl

Sounds like you guys might be on to something with this helping sick kids stuff. Good on Ya.

[email protected] Seca, took me 3 trys! 2funny "NO CAPES!" (they get cought in the spokes")(just old guys on MBs) Would be a great mission statement for a group helping others. Sort of like Shriners with out makeup.

OK, I got nuton.

Honestly Seca, I apologize for the hijacking. The, well one of the coolest parts of this forum is it always ends up far from where any thread started. There is one about, amazingly enough MBs that ends up with every ones pet's pics. It is in the top 3 or 4 here INMHO and will crack you up. But again, I am sorry.
Hijack away man. No problemo. Hey if something good gets started somewhere thats way more important than anything I have to say about my lil motorbike. Rock on. Besides I'm havin fun with all this chatter.
Seca, you are a true artiest. More about the art then the ego. Your "lil MB" is awesome. If you want to do this as a side line, I am building kits soon and would be cool if possible to offer custom frames for my kits. 4 strokers and am still working on the prototyping so could all fall short, but hey.

If you get a chance, there are 2 (so far) east coast MB rallys next year. They are a blast, some great folks. My wife can cook!! Hope you and the Mrs. can make it!
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SPOKEMAN! YEAH, THAT'S IT, SPOKEMAN. no cape just this neat spandex suit with lots of vertical lines...
Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Halloween is almost a year away. I've got time.
Loved Edna. thanks.
SPOKEMAN! YEAH, THAT'S IT, SPOKEMAN. no cape just this neat spandex suit with lots of vertical lines...
Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Halloween is almost a year away. I've got time.
Loved Edna. thanks.

Snork @ "SPOKEMAN" (^) Now we need a "China Girl" "Gear box Boy" "Sprocket man"... We could do a whole Justice league thing. Just need some arch Enemies.

(Was gonna do a whole thing about sprocket man bassed on Elton John's "rocket man" but turns out it is not funny)
Seca, you are a true artiest. More about the art then the ego. Your "lil MB" is awesome. If you want to do this as a side line, I am building kits soon and would be cool if possible to offer custom frames for my kits. 4 strokers and am still working on the prototyping so could all fall short, but hey.

If you get a chance, there are 2 (so far) east coast MB rallys next year. They are a blast, some great folks. My wife can cook!! Hope you and the Mrs. can make it!
It would be cool to make a bunch of these, but to do it I need a bunch of those Jesse James Schwinns for the tank and saddle. ( Like this West Coast Chopper Boy's 20" Bicycle ) The saddle I could make from scratch. The tank, probably not. Shipping etc. What you should do is copy it yourself. Or have someone there make them. I'll give you all the pictures you want/need to do it.
I'll bet the rally's are a hoot. I'd love to ride in a big ol pack of MB's. That would be too much fun. .fly.ride3:bike2::ride2:
SPOKEMAN! YEAH, THAT'S IT, SPOKEMAN. no cape just this neat spandex suit with lots of vertical lines...
Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Halloween is almost a year away. I've got time.
Loved Edna. thanks.

SPOKEMAN!!!! I picture spokeman looking kinda like a big bipedal (no pun intended ) porcupine riding a bike. Bristling with spokes sticking out in every direction. Hahahahahah. Spokeman. That's awesome.
