Noob Help Friction Drive Rollers!


New Member
Hello everyone I was wondering if you had any ideas with what would be a good drive roller for my bike. Preferably something I could slip on my shaft and weld it together. Please be free to send any ideas or pics.
:ride: I would also would like to know what size roller would be greatest roller for me Just to let you now I only weigh 80lb.s and wont put much drag on my bike lol(p) in any way at least I dont think :)
(Im only 13 thats why Im so light LOL)
In most states it will be illegal for you to take a motorized bicycle on the public roads. That said it would be helpful if we knew what kiind of engine. If it has a threaded drive shaft you might be able to just screw a bmx 3/8 by 24 ped onto it,

It is has a 5/16 threaded shaft you can probably slide the peg over it and run a nut down on it from inside the peg.

If all that fails you can get a 3/4 pipe nipple and weld a washer on each end. make sure the washer will fit down over your drive shaft.

If you use a bmx axle peg you want to use steel about an inch or so in diameter... Good luck..

Be sure you check with your parents before you do anything like this,.
definitely check with your parents first.

BMX pegs come in a variety of sizes. My suggestion is to try a variety of sizes where you are so light you could try a 2 inch peg- check out the mongoose pegs available at target and walmart for about $10. the 2 inch pegs will need to be coated with jbweld and sand for grip.

the best thing is a steel BMX peg, the bullet proof line forma good bike shop will do well for you too, they are knurled for grip.

With the bmx pegs there is no need for welding they are usually the right size to screw right on to the shaft.

Well I live in the sub urbs see kids ridin dirt bikes round all the time and theres no cops around. My weed wacker is a Ryobi 31cc 700r
and I looked over the regulations and my bike is .A. Ok ready to go!
P.S. its alright with my parents.
Well I live in the sub urbs see kids ridin dirt bikes round all the time and theres no cops around. My weed wacker is a Ryobi 31cc 700r
and I looked over the regulations and my bike is .A. Ok ready to go!
P.S. its alright with my parents.

the 700r series is a great whacker.

My suggestion would be for you to get rid of the clutch bell and housing- there is a small torx head screw holding the clutch on toss that carp. Shave the housing down with the dremel tool. and mount that way.

a regular 26 or 24 BMX peg for a 5/8th axle should work just right for you.

don't get the ally peg you'll wear it down to nothing in an instant.

My engine doesnt have any threads and the shaft is short but wen i take the clutch bell of will it give me more shaft length???
p.s. when you start up a friction drive bike when you take the shell of it takes away the pull start how would you start it do you just pedal your bike to start the engine or what kinda confused??
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My engine doesn't have any threads and the shaft is short but wen i take the clutch bell of will it give me more shaft length???
p.s. when you start up a friction drive bike when you take the shell of it takes away the pull start how would you start it do you just pedal your bike to start the engine or what kinda confused??

get rid of that clutch bell and the housing that it is in. If you take off the rest of the housing you'll loose hte pull start, no worries tough you can bump start it, ie start pedalling and when you hit 7 MPH or so drop the engine on the tire and it usually starts right up.

I'll get some pics of the trim job I did on my housing. you should do a search on here for friction drive nad read all the posts that come up.

I always started mine the first time with a rope start sitting in my driveway with the engine up. That way I knew it was going to start before I pedaled it out onto the street. You can leave it running and just lower it onto the wheel when yoiu are going. then lift it when You want to stop.

The rope can be made from your pull starter if you are not going to use it.
alright I hope these pics help.

On either side of where the clutch is or used to be in my case, I trimmed the shroud or case of the whacker down with my dremel tool. You could use a grinder, rotary tool (not safe), or coarse sanding drum. You want to grind the plastic down so that the whole front of the case is flat and flush. this way you can keep your pull start and the cooling effects of the case.

Let me know if you have any questions



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.girl.What Kinda weed wacker you got there is it the same as mine ryobi 700r??
How'd u make the throttle cable longer cos I only have a mini thing and its pretty useless i woz thinking of attaching the trigger to a piece of string but a little on the rough side can you send me some pics of how you extended the throttle lever?
O and 1 more question is the clutch that fan like thing??
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Mine is the 790r.
The fan like thing is your flywheel... You NEED that.

I used a 1.5 inch BMX peg with a 26 thread. It is the bullitproof brand peg- steel and tough
.girl.What Kinda weed wacker you got there is it the same as mine ryobi 700r??
How'd u make the throttle cable longer cos I only have a mini thing and its pretty useless i woz thinking of attaching the trigger to a piece of string but a little on the rough side can you send me some pics of how you extended the throttle lever?
O and 1 more question is the clutch that fan like thing??

I trimmed the wire that went to my carb until Ihad about 3 inches. I thn mated that to the end of a brake cable by wrapping it in copper wire and then I soldered it. Initially I had ziptied it and that worked okay. there area hundred way s to get them attached though. you'll have to find one that works for you.

no pics of that it's dark and my POS camera won't take them in the dark.
hello I have another problem know my shaft is like 1 or a 2 inch short how do i make it longer and what do I use for a roller????
pictures help

if the shaft is threaded just twist a peg on. shaft length doesn't matter much, you need the engine up close to the tire anyway...

the pic you tried to post didn't work. you need to go to the advanced reply and click the link below for "manage attachments" and attach that way.
I dunno my internets slow here and it glitchs up when i try to add a pic.
My shaft is short and does not stick out of the housing and i was wondering if i could cut a hole a little bigger than the roller on the housing were theres a hole for the shaft and stick the roller on the shaft inside and that would be pretty ace and then put on the roller through the cut hole and just braze the roller on to the shaft since i dont have any threads i think that would work i would only have maybe a couple inches of my roller stickin out but if I put the roller close enough to my big !knobly! tire it should be ok ?

and another question how would I put pressure on the tire with the drive roller
would a bungee cord work I only want something temporary though because I wont to be able to lift the motor up and hook it around my seat so i doesnt fall down when Im not using it.

oh and 1 more what is that aluminum bar that you used for your mount called and how many feet will I need to make it and how much will it cost me??
read these for more info:

I used aluminum flat stock and angle stock... Each peice is about 6 to8 inches long.

Read the above links, there is a lot of info in them... Also at the bottom of this I have my signature follow the link to my blog, go back to July or so you can find some more detailed posts there about how i built my mount. Also in my flickr account, also linked below you can find a lot of photos under "bike tings" of my builds. I did do some step my step photos of my builds...

You will be greatly helped if you slow down and read the DIY section here thoroughly, take some notes and then go to town. My first friction drive was an atrocity mounted on an expensive bike and it barely ran. Learn from my mistakes by reading both the blog and the forum. Deacon, who is the "daddy of all DIY" bikes has put a lot of good info up here. If you click someone's username on here it will bring you to their profile, a little ways down on that page is a link to "search for all post" by that person. Do that with Deacon and maybe my username and it will get you to all our posts fast... Read 'em, some stink some are great. Lots of photos too.