Well-Known Member
just got back from and early morning ride and was thinking. when i had my gas bikes their was always that thing when you wondered how many times you would try to start the bike before it fired up and it was like a great feeling if it started first pull with the 4 stroke or first time you released the clutch on the 2 stroke. then them times it didn't start by the 3rd try thinking "now whats wrong" also getting home and a lot of times halfway thru the ride checking the chains and the tensions and the mounts and readjusting things. with the electric bike you just touch the throttle and off you go i still check all bolts regularly and i have not had to tighten a single one. i think that is because the e-bike does not have the vibration that a gas motor has. don't get me wrong i loved my gas bikes and i am not knocking them. i put thousands of miles on them and had great times but i did not like the constantly working on them. i broke many a chains and tightened and replaced many bolts. i guess at my age and my lazy lifestyle down here i just want to get out and ride and not have to worry about a thing except crazy drivers and the electric bicycle is perfect for that.