i was riding my bike when it died on me.. i tried starting it again and it wouldnt work. i took it back to my house and noticed there was no spark. ive tried using a new spark plug but that didnt work.
No i am not using a kill switch i never hooked it up and as for the white wire it is not touching any metal.. my neighbor had an extra cdi box that was brand new and it still didnt get a spark so i dont believe its that either
pull the magneto cover and unscrew the four screws take the mag out and make sure there isn't any metal shavings on it or the flywheel also make sure the wires are all connected to the magneto. if everything looks ok reassemble and try again sometimes manufacturing junk will keep the magneto from sparking also if it is touching the fly wheel it will also loose spark. its not a big deal to pull it out and check just be careful you don't rip the gasket.
that has instructions on how to verify your magneto with a multimeter.
You can also measure the AC Volts coming off the blue wire (use black as ground) while using a drill to spin the magneto. You won't get the full ~60v using a drill because a drill can't spin fast enough. But you should be able to get some voltage.
Yep, it sure could. Sometimes for some reason condensation will form in there. You can try putting it in the oven for a while (about 200 degrees or so) to try to dry it out. WD-40 might help too (after the oven). It's probably fried.