No Spark


New Member
really getting frustrated, i have no spark at all what shall i do guys?? I took the plug out and laid it in the head lifted the rear end of the bike and turned it over i saw no spark at all. The stock wire that came with the bike was to small for the tip of the plug NGK(B5H5) so I went to the auto part store and got a wire. screwed the wire onto the ignition unit and the other end to the plug still nothing. I dont know what to do. I even poured a little fuel/oil mix direclty in the cylinder and still no fire. What next?????
your wires all connected and tight at the cdi no bare wires shorting things out you also using a copper core sparkplug wire plug gapped at about 0.017 even though the instructions say 0.028
New clean plug?
last ditch effort hold on to the plug wire and turn over the engine if you have spark it will be a shocking experience. Don't do it if you have a bad heart get a kid to be the sucker/I mean tester.rotfl
ok norman thanks but what kind if wire do you have cause the one that came with my kits sucks so i bought a automotive one and kinda rigged it.
I run the stock china plug wire with no problems on 2 bikes. And one bike I do have a industrial copper core plug wire with a racing kart plug boot that does not require that the top tip of the plug unscrews.
Oh I peddaled My Butt of on saturday trying to this engine to fire. 106' and 46% humidity man I got a work out and then some......But if it wern't for this thing i would have just been watching TV so my DR will be Happy. I got some excercise. LOL

I'm done pedaling this thing till I can get some replacement parts, so I've just gone into the moping around stage.

Makes me not want to ride my regular bike, so I don't think my Dr would like that very much :)
Ay jason I had the same problem and this is what I did and it kicked rite over . The black wire goin to the cdi case i switched it with the white so then it started rite up but now I dont have a kill switch cuz the new cdi case didnt have any connections so to stop I just stop and let the clutch out slowly. Let me know how this works for you I was exstatik when my bike jus kicked over dance1
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