New to the World of Motorized Bike


New Member

I am from New Jersey and very interested in building my first motorized bike. I would like to start off and do my build correctly.
You've come to the right place for help. There is a world of information and knowledge right here at your fingertips. Anything and everything you ever wanted to know about motorized bicycles is here; just ask. Welcome, glad you've joined us.
Thanks very much for your warm welcome. I am pretty sure this forum will help me greatly. I am having fun reading already even though I have not started building my first MB. Thanks again,

Kevron 99
Ok...Now I would like to start my MB project and have some questions...Can anyone give me an advice on what bike to use as a flatform? I prefer a cruiser type bike. With all those bikes that I see in the web...which one has the best fit and what brand would be good for my project. As a beginner I would need an easy bike to install a motor. In regards to brakes,...should I select a bike with caliper brakes versus the foot brakes that is common among cruisers? What is the diferrence between the two. When installing, would a bike with foot brake easier to install a kit versus calipers? Whats the difference? Please help. Thanks