new to the board, have a few noob questions i'm sure have been answered.

love your bike, really nicely done! where did you get your kickstand? also, where did you end up grounding the killswitch? mine is really buggy and doesn't work correctly. it's one of those cheap stock ones, i need to find/fabricate a new one just not really sure where to start.
the kick stand came from an old ccm 3 speed, they where pretty common back in the day.

my pedals are low enough that i don't really need a kick stand. i'll be removing it. if you want to pay for shipping (i'm in canada) you can have it. put i bet you could find an old one cheaper than the shipping costs.

as for my killswitch, well its wired alittle differently.
blue wire to blue wire, black wire from the engine to one side of a 12 volt 2 prong toggle switch, and the black wire from the ignition to the other side of the toggle switch. nothing is grounded to the frame.
the kill switch wont work the same (ie. turn off when depressed) you'll just have an on/off position.
i've only been able to find rear-wheel mounted kickstands and the standard one-leg kind. there isn't any room for rear-wheel mount on my bike because of the banana seat posts, i would have to change out the spindle and mess around with a bunch of things i finally got to sit right. and standard won't hold my bike up. i'll definitely pay the shipping etc for your stand, i'm really excited that you are willing to part with it! send me an email or message me next time you're on. thanks for killswitch info, i'm going to pick up a toggle switch asap and attempt this :)
clear the kids off the sidewalk, its race'n time.
awesome bike creative and clean . im new here so i wanted to ask what motor is that ? thats why i joined to learn about 4 stroke motors and to build my own bike with one . who wants to educate me and tell me the best motors . thanks ....wyatt
while i'm still quite new to this motorized bicycle thing, i have no idea which motors preform best. i'm sure you'll hear many different opinions about each and everyone.

that being said, i have no idea who manufactured my engine. i bought it cheap from kijiji (new in the box)
it had no company info on the box or in the instructions. no customer support no. no contact info, they didn't even give credit to the company that made it. (on the box, engine or in the instructions)

i think you'll find for the most part, all the chinese made 2 stroke 49 and 80cc bicycle engine kits(like the one i'm using) look pretty much the same.
hey man I love your build threads I look at them all the time both here and on ratrod bikes I had a question about your tank I dont see anywhere to fill it up with fuil
oh very nicely built did you cut it out from a diffrerent tank and weld it on? I love this bike i literally star at it all the time hahaha I love the stance I am tempted to run 24's but I have thes awesome worksman wheels that came with my bike i cant bare to part with haha