new to forum, hi everyone


New Member
hi everyone, i'm new to the forum and to southern california. i have a 48cc boardtrack bike. i was riding it to work yesterday and the chain broke. are there any bike shops that carry parts for motorized bikes, preferably in the inland empire area. or does everyone just get stuff online? also, are you allowed to ride on the sidewalk if there is no bike lane present (even with engine on)? or is this another state with grey-area motorized bike legislation, lumped in with mopeds, carrying around proof that you aren't required to register, turning them off around cops, etc... any input would be greatly appreciated. thanks :) //jess


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Hello and welcome, fihat sized bike chain isn't that difficult but you would be better off replacinmg the whole chain. Any good hardware store like ACE should have some #41 chain that will replace the stock chain and actually hold up a bit better. As for CA laws good luck. The CARB laws keep many people from getting the 2 stroke motors into the state but not sure what your local laws maybe. Ride it like a bicycle and follow all the local traffic laws keep your head down and you may get by. Good luck to ya...MB-Monkey
thanks MB. i'll make some calls and check out a hardware store. my original chain was 1/2 x 1/8 114. is this a common one? hmmm, i guess i better look into the CARB laws, not familiar with them. i'll have to use the pedals mostly and only gas it up the hills inconspicuously until i find out more.