new motor break in


New Member
I recently installed a new motor and have put 70 miles on it and it still will not run clean and smooth and has little power is this normal and should i be more patient with the break in period. our other bikes have a lot more power even with a 30 sproket, the motor idles very well and there is no vibrations it has some power at low speeds and my gas is 6 ounces to the gal and spark plug is stock but in good condition. will the motor snap out of it and power up with a few more miles..wee.
Some motors never reach the normal HT full potential. I know becuase i have a single speed HT that is like that. Its a docile engine that starts easy, is very smooth but lacks power compared to my other HT engines. I accept it for what it is and hope one day it will come alive but enjoy the ride nevertheless.
Respuesta: new motor break in

thanks, this motor is only running smoth during acceleration, once it levels out it runs rough, i let it slow down and give it gas and it will run smooth until it quits acelerting, im not rappin it out it does this even at half throttle