New Member


New Member
Good Morning,
I just recently got into motor bicycling (well it's been over 40 years since my last anyway ).
I have a 90 mile commute (once a week) for work and was looking for a cheap way to avoid buying another car or motorcycle with all the costs involved. I settled on a motorized bicycle as a solution. After much research I ruled out electric because the range I need put it way...... outside my budget.
I settled on a Staton roller drive kit with the Robin engine.
I started with an old GT Talera mountain bike I got free and after putting just over 1000 miles on it I have decided to try moving it over to a simple cruiser. The mountain bike was beating me up pretty badly on some of the roads I use.
I bought a new bike yesterday and should have it done today and ready for next weeks commute.
During my research, building, and modifications I found myself browsing through this site often and decided I'd try showing a little support by joining.
Thanks everyone for the help so far and I look forward to trying my hand at contributing.

Welcome Greg and glad you stepped up to the plate. Everything you ever wanted to know about Motorized Bicycles can be found here along with a great bunch of people willing to share their knowledge. Sounds to me, that with your experience that you might be a source of knowledge too. Have fun, ride careful.