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New Member
Hey guys, just picked up a Phat cycle stretch. Aftering checking out pics of them on the net, I saw this site and the bulb lit up. Where do I start with putting a motor on this thing. I have fab skills and a waterjet. I'm use to hot rods and getting more into bicycles cruisers especially. I've been reading a little bit on here and am kinda lost on where to start and what parts to get. I'm not looking for a fast bike just something fun. Thanks
Welcome to the world of Stretch Cruisers flyinhigh!

There are so many ways to motorized you can go stealthy with an electric setup either electric motor(s) or electric hubs.

You can motorized with either a 2-stroke china gurl, or my favorite motorized Stretch Cruiser is using the Chinese clone horizontal Honda crf50 / xr50 dirtbike / pitbike / atv engine.

Take your time deciding and did you say waterjet, I'm jealous of you already!!!

Peace C.H.
I want to go with a gasser no ac/dc. where is a good place to look for motors. What type of chinese motor should I look for. I was looking on ebay and they are all over the place as far as little motors go. Thanks again for the support.
I want to go with a gasser no ac/dc. where is a good place to look for motors. What type of chinese motor should I look for. I was looking on ebay and they are all over the place as far as little motors go. Thanks again for the support.

Motors, have you read the thread Alternate 4 strokes yet?

Craigslist, Ebay,

TBolt USA: Pit Bikes, Engines, Parts, Pitster Pro, SSR, Honda CRF50,

Hooper Imports Experts on Chinese Motorcycles and Parts, Engines.

Do you want to build this as a 50cc or will you go with a 110cc or maybe 125cc semi-automatic no clutch just release throttle and shift, just something to think about. Take your time it'll pay off in the long run!!!

Post up some pic's of your fat stretch, if you want contact Dave's Fat Cycles in Virginia Beach, Virginia he is building some sick wheels 20" 24" 26" and the fat part the width of his tires they are 4.25".

Peace C.H.