new guy wants to know what ht means


New Member
hello all, new to the forums and comin from the chicago area. just ordered my first kit, the f80 from thatsdax, and for what i could tell was at a great price. im putting it on an 07 raleigh mojave 2.0 that i got from a guy for $100 and it was barely ever used (like most bikes im sure) actually waited a while for the engines to come back in stock. i read many good reviews about thatsdax and also called and talked to duane probably 4 times and asked him all sorts of newbie questions. so i was definitely already sold on dax before the engines even were in stock. i got a 36 tooth sprocket over the 41 tooth too, after reading up a bit on mods. how much of a difference would there even be with 5 less teeth? it was only a $10 upgrade, so i figured why not. i got another 36 tooth for a friend, but im wondering which ones ill get because i seen 2 types of 36t on their site, either ones made of alloy or of steel. any way i can tell the two metals apart? might be tough. i ordered the kit on wednesday the 29th and i was told itd be about a week for it to ship, and i definitely cant wait. ive even been riding my bike normally without an engine almost everyday since i discovered of these kits existence. ill be back posting on here as soon as i get things up and running. but until then itll be mostly reading and riding. im gonna try and follow the guide to bicycle motor preperation and care by bikeguy joe to a tee if i can as well. oh and what does ht mean? i could not figure it out for the life of me.
Welcome to the forum. The forks here on this forum are extremely helpful. If you run into any problems large or small, post in Norm's repair section. He's our community HT specialist.
BTW, HT stands for Happy Time. Again Welcome to the forum and have fun!
hahaha i thought so. it was the only thing i could come up with. but i noticed that they only made complete bikes so that threw me off a bit. sorry for the long first post guys! i been sittin by without posting a word for a while now so i had a lot to get out there
Welcome to the forum. Don't apologize for long posts. When you have questions feel free to ask; we're all here to help. As for your choice of suppliers, you've done good. thatsdax is a stand up dealer who will be there if there is any unexpected problems with your kit. He's not one of those invisible e-bay sellers. Duane is a die-hard motorized bicycle builder and rider so he knows his product. As for your sprocket selection, the 36 will give you good top end speed but will effect your hill climbing ability. Chicago is not a hilly place so your 36T should give you good performance. Good luck, ride careful.
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