new guy and need some advice


New Member
I have a giant stiletto and a new kit from china
i don't want to mount it the standard way. I want to use the jack shaft and some kind of freewheel set up.
has anyone done this?
Can you direct me to a drawing and parts?
welcome to the forum! pm pablo or ghost0 and they are working on just what you are looking for. the stiletto will make an awesome motorized bicycle. glad to have you with us
Welcome to the forum. Cruiser's right about who to contact. Pablo and Ghosto are the jackshaft guys. There are a couple of threads with pics and info about their setup. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here that share lots of very valuable information...................
Welcome to the group Markp. Your in good hands here. The Stilletto should make a really cool motobike...Kelly:ride2: