New from San Marcos


New Member
New guy here from San Marcos, Texas, and I'm currently an engineering student here at Texas State University. I had been contemplating building a motorized bike for some time and what really pushed me to build one is seeing a fellow class mate pass by on his while I was pushing my bicycle up the hill.

I've been creeping around this forum for a little while now and it has been pretty helpful with my current motorbike, which isn't my first. Thanks to all for the friendly welcome.
Howdy & welcome to the site!!

Lots of good info and just a little shenanigans ---- great combo in my opinion.
Welcome pac,you have found the most excellent forum on the web for motorized bicycle. good luck with your build and take advantage of all the knowledge and help on this site.remember to build and ride safe.
Stop by if you're down Corpus way, I've always got some project going with a FULLY stocked garage refer! Hope you like Shiner!
welcome to our world of the motorized bicycle. we also look forward to learning from you, great to have you with us