New Build


I am doing a new build. Any thoughts on these 2 engines? Both were posted by folks here and I forgot who shared, but thanks. (am on anti sezure meds. no floppin, but lots of happy confusion rotfl)

First choice duro power 49cc ($149 "Warranty Policy
All DuroPower power products include a 1-year parts-only manufacturer warranty for residential use and a 3-month parts-only manufacturer warranty for commercial use.)

Close second Honda GXH 50 I would jump on the honda, but there is a caption at the bottom;"Our Low Price: $210.00
170 In Stock (Subject to Prior Sale)"

This is an experiment with a new mounting system.
mind sharing your new mounting system idea? or are you going to torture us and make us wait til your finished?

I would go with the honda since it appears to have more power.
Not at all. Just a real simple cut and bolt sort of deal. 2 opposing "L" bars and 4 bolts, fore and aft of the seat and down tube. Then 4 mounting holes for the motor. The idea is allow lots of wiggle room. Adjust the chains by moving the motor and jack shaft which will be mounted on the seat tube. All bolted and every thing is field replaceable at a hardware store. Thats the goal any way. Never know until I start cutting.
Thanks Joe. I just noticed the Honda is 8 LBS heaver. I am gonna call them. The "subject to prior sale" thing just don't sound good. But a GX for 210 is pretty good.
subject to prior sale" just is a warning that stock #'s are updated hourly and may not be exact. You guys were big time right about the power and I am ordering the Honda. Thanks again. I got first round at the forum bar tonight.
I'm in the midst of a build ,1st,one , but I'mounting the same motor on a Schwiinn meridian tricycle.Here's a pic of the gears.My threads in mounting techniques.You got a deal compared to what I paid ,where did you get yours I got mine a northern tool I believe paid $310.00 or so for it.


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Kewl Mike! I am gonna go look for the thread. What ratio did you go with? I decided on 16:1 (I am gonna print bumper stickers that say "Got link?")