new build


New Member
this is a bike i am building for a friend who has a DUI and cant get his license back for 3 more years, at the moment he is riding my mits tle43 on a staton friction setup, so the sooner i get this built the sooner i get my engine back.


Standard wally world bike tricked out with some nice bits and bobs, just had to replace the cheap suspension fork out for a solid steel. lost the front dérailleur completely and moved the rear controls over to the left leaving room on the right for the thumb throttle controller.

600 watt motor
36 volt 20 amp ping battery
topeak bag and carrier



Other nice touches include relaxed cruiser style handlebars, pyramid double kickstand. It is about 80% complete just have to run new brake cables and wire the connectors for the battery and controller connection. For his first electric bike it is a nice setup a little on the heavy side but the motor and battery will help with the few hills he has to navigate.

Once we finish the rest of the connections this weekend it should be ready for its first run.
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Cool. There is enough space to squeeze batteries and controller into the "triangle" on the frame. It should perform well.