New and Old at same time


New Member
:ride2:hope i can use these forums as much now as i have in past few days .... was looking to get a motor kit for my bike and wasnt sure which one to get ,,,,, saw where a lot of you folks gave advise to others to check into dacs.... well i ordered my 70cc kit today .... as i only will have about 2 and 1/2 miles one way to ride to work i can see this kit lasting quite a while ,,, and as i can tell in these forums if i run into trouble there a lot of folks like yall that like to hepl out .... and i also love to see all the bikes ya got posted in here.. gives me many ideas.... be seeing yall .....
Welcome Ronny

I hope that you get many smiles per gallon . Many of these motors have thousands of miles on them . You will find that you will be going many more places with your bike than to work and back . .... D.J.
Welcome to your new addiction Ronnyrotfl. You will quickly find that 2.5 miles just isn't enough. Enjoy the ride...Kelly:ride2:
Yea, it's a real bummer, I only live 1 mile from my job. Ain't near far enough.:D. Welcome to the forum. Your gonna like this hobby. We have lots of motorize bicycle enthusiasts here and some very experienced builders that are more than willing to help you out if you have any questions................
thanx for the welcome guys .... as im new to building bikes with motors.. i have always tinkered with bikes since a younger age ,,,( 41 at the moment ) built 3 wheelers.. 4 wheelesr.... and one recumbent bike i frankenstined out ouf about 4 other bikes with under seat steering that was about 9 feet long ,,,, ill be letting yall know how my irst motor kit goes.. see ya ....
welcome to the site ronny. you will find that the motorized bicycle will become an addiction, they are a blast, glad to have you with us