Need some advice on first build..


New Member
Guys, I need some advice. I am really looking forward to my first build. For a newbie, would it make sense to start with a bare frame and an engine kit, or a full bicycle and an engine kit? I am wanting similar to a chopper or a board track racer. Doesn't have to be period correct, just something to similar to a chopper or BT racer.
So, should I start with a full bike or build from scratch with a frame and an engine kit?
Also, I am a little light in the funds, so less expensive would be better.
Thanks guys..
It would probably be better to get a bike if you are worried about money. Building from scratch is usually more expensive no matter what kind of bike you build.
Welcome to the forum. I just finished this inexpensive BT style build about 165 for the bike (target and wally mart both sell it online) for the engine 135.oo for a pk80 engine with a balanced crank, and everything you need off eBay from bekit I put on a Cnc 40tooth sprocket and hub adapter for 55 bucks. and a 5buck plastic weed whipper tank off eBay. Two long reach squeeze brakes off ebay so it has 3 brakes total for great stopping power at 30.00 total. So call it 400.00 total not bad really for what I ended up with. Build took a week in spare time putzing. Columbia makes 4 different styles and colors that all would make great BT style bikes once you strip em down like removing rack and chain guard, fenders. Add a 12 dollar led headlight and your retty much done. You can hide a gas tank inside the fake ones with more work and Money. A bike like this gets people to believe its a true restored antique. On the other end for a first bike is the Cranbrook they make a solid build too for 200 just like Springfield said. just add front and rear squeeze brakes and reinforce the fenders or toss. They have 22 gauge spokes and a steel frame and wheels. I've build 4 crannys. No matter what build you do save yourself pain and tons of time and get the 1.50 inch Cnc hub adapter fir the cranny or Columbia hub and one of the tensioners that attach to the engine if you can, so smooth and trouble free then. Lets us all know what you decide on, there are a gazillion types of bikes to choose from to do a build with. See the chesp BT build here.
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while learning about these, you may make a lot of changes - I'd start with any old bike with good brakes and build that and use it for a while, THEN you'll know enough to plan for next build - you can sell 1st bike after you finish 2nd
You would be surprised at how much you need to know about bicycles before building one from frame up. I did that once and got super confused when I found out that not all seat posts, forks, head tubes, cranks, etc (you get the idea) are made the same. I thought I'd just buy a junk bike and use all its parts, transfer them over to a nice GT2A frame and be done. $600 and several donor bikes later, I had the bike I wanted. And I'm a very experienced auto mechanic, and now work in the nuclear power field, so I have a very heavy engineering background. Yeah, it would be easy now, but that's because I've been down that road. So it's not impossible, but for a first build I'd recommend starting with a pre-assembled bike and kit, work out the kinks, then maybe try a custom frame when you're ready.
Thanks guys for the reply.. Ziptie, your bike looks like what I am looking to do. So it is a Columbia bike? I will go check them out. So I need a pk80 engine with a balanced crank, a weed whipper tank, and some extra squeeze brakes to start with. Where do you get the fake gas tanks?
I look forward to this new hobby.. :)