Need help installing throttle


New Member
Hey it's me again. I have a question about the wiring on the twist-throttle grip. Where does the kill-switch wire go on the engine? There's a black and red wire; the red wire having a flat metal circle.

edit: I got my throttle working.. I'm so happy. but the last thing that needs fixing is my kill switch.
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Doesnt really matter it is just a normally open switch, but personally I have mine hooked up with the red from the kill switch to the white from the engine, and the black from the kill switch going to ground on the bike frame, just for identification puposes, black or green color usually ground.
i lost the flat circular metal piece on the end of my wire so i hope it's not that important. thanks for posting
i lost the flat circular metal piece on the end of my wire so i hope it's not that important. thanks for posting

The ring terminal on the end just makes it easier to connect to any screw on the frame. I used the mount for the water bottle as my ground connection....
Man I had so much fun riding my bike around lol. It's pretty loud; it sounds like a freaking beast lmao. My ears are still ringing from it. I can't wait to fix her up this weekend with everything working perfect so I can venture on futher.

About my throttle kill switch wire (red), do I intertwine it with the white wire coming out the motor and wrap electrical tape around both? I taped the two wires together with scotch tape but it didn't work. I also grounded the black wire from my throttle onto the bike's metal frame.

How am I supposed to know how fast 1,500rpm is when the engine is running? The manual says:"If the rpm needs adjusting, turn the idle adjust screw (left side of carburetor) in or out
slowly to obtain the proper idle speed of about 1400 rpm +/- 100 rpm" Lets pretend my idle screw is all the way tightened (highest rpm), gauging from that how many full rotations should I turn it left?

Is there a way to make my bike more quiet cause if I keep on riding this thing, i'm gonna go deaf. :P
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Yep red to white, black to ground. Sometimes the kill switches dont work, cheap quality like most of the other parts, if you bike wont start that is what to check first, simply disconnect it. I think the instructions said to start 4-1/2 turns out, just adjust it to where it keeps running, its no big deal. I dont understand why it is loud with the muffler on it. I am runing an expansion chamber and its no louder than the stock exhaust. You dont have a leak at the exhaust port do you? While it is running you can hold your hand near there and see if you feel any air coming out, if so you need to make a new gasket, and I use RTV sealant to coat all gaskets... Have fun and enjoy.........
hello, i just got my 80cc bike kit installed today and it works great, i cant get my kill switch to work as well, i got a green wire, and a red/yellow wire coming from the throttle, my motor has black,blue and white, the black and blue hook up to the cdi, the manual say to hook up a wire to the white wire, but it does mention the color coding at all, so i hooked the red/yellow wire to the white and the green to the frame, still nothing, of course it might just be that i havent cleared off the paint that the wire is connected too. if i dont figure it out, could some one help me, my motor is a powerking 80cc limited edition.
HELP ME PLEASE.......Hi i just bought a new bike and a motor and iam very confused and wondering if someone could help me! Iam tryin to hooked up the throttle cable and cant figure it out someone PLEASE help
The white wire from the engine is an output, and is normally used to run a light.
The black is ground and the blue is the output from the magneto.
The kill switch should be connected to the black and blue wires, the white wire should be taped up and tucked away if you are not using a light.

Electrical Diagram copy.jpg
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HELP ME PLEASE.......Hi i just bought a new bike and a motor and iam very confused and wondering if someone could help me! Iam tryin to hooked up the throttle cable and cant figure it out someone PLEASE help

dont worry about it,it would be okay
Try this diagram posted by 2door, don't use white wire for kill switch. The original kit directions say to use white wire, and some members here still hook up switch that way, but I've personally fried 2 magnetos and a CDI using white wire. Sure I can't prove it was white wire itself that did it, but I never fried either after capping white wire off completely.


  • 8342d1242066058-kill-switch-wiring-electrical-diagram.jpg
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The white wire from the engine is an output, and is normally used to run a light.
The black is ground and the blue is the output from the magneto.
The kill switch should be connected to the black and blue wires, the white wire should be taped up and tucked away if you are not using a light.

View attachment 34859

This is exactly how to hook the killswitch up. Yes, hooking it up to a ground does work but there are some setups that isolate the engine so well that the point of contact is the cables, not a good ground. I ran a wire from the chain guard mount on the motor to one of the water bottle holder bolts. Then whatever grounds for electronics hook up there but I still have the killswitch connected to the two magneto wires.