Need a gas tank....


New Member
want to buy,
a gas tank for a new build... something that I will be able to mount to my cruiser frame.
I am looking to spend about 75 bucks... and then whever shipping may be.
Tank needs to have cap and petcock...
I was going to get a sportster tank here, but that fell through.... Thanks yall, VW
I'm assuming you do not want a kit tank. If you do, I have a new, black unused one with petcock and cap you can have cheap.
Sorry, I failed to mention that.
I have a kit tank, I am looking for some sort of a motorcycle style one.
Thanks for the offer.. VW
I still have this tank, if your interested.

100_6685.jpg sells the one gallon tanks if you are interested you are going to have to give them a call their number is 520-777-0924 and talk to joel he is the sales rep