Need a ChinaGirl kit in CA for Motorized Bicycle off EBay?


New Member
Any suggestions on what to buy for my friend? It's his first MB, he likes my 33cc but I want to get him a 66 or 49cc or whatever the two kits are.

you guys suggest, I got the money. I need a shipper who'll ship to CA and has good parts that aren't cheaper then regular, any suggestions on who to go through?

Thank you so much and my friend thanks you.
Re: Need a ChinaGirl kit in CA for MB off EBay?

I hear you man, I live in CA and had to get mine shipped to a friend in another state and have him send it to me. CA sucks!! These bikes get 150 miles per gallon and they still say it's bad for the environment. They are like liberal nazis here. As I understand it, it is against the law to send 2 stroke engines into CA but not against the law to send them within CA. or if you pay off the correct fascists in our government you can get exemptions. I know this guy will send them but he jacks up the price, I don't know about quality but if they come from China, well, enough said--->!engines
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