My "work in progress"


New Member
Here's what i have done so far. Still have to make the front triangle a gas tank, rework the exhaust to come out the back engine mount area,need gussets on the bent/stretched forks. Obviously needs paint and all that. I plan on LED brake,headlamps,and blinkers also. Need to get street tires and possibly better rims. I'm still debating if i should even keep peddles on it or not though. If i do i'll need to weld a freewheel onto the rear sprocket. And for all ya'll observant ppl out there, i will be putting a larger rear sprocket on the bike. I have to cut one out , just havent had time. Let me know what you think about the custom handlebars, i made them from just scrap stuff we had sitting in the spare stuff pile. i think they look pretty good for left overs.


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That rear sprocket is gonna need to be really big!
As for pedals - find out what is legal in Fl. You may need them.
I like pedals in case something goes wrong.
how big do you think the rear sprocket should be? There is no gear reduction in the engine, and the clutch has a 20 tooth gear on it. Its a 42cc engine so i'd figure about 2 or so HP. xct2 I'm kinda debating on even worrying about this thing being legal....worse case i can just sell it when im done or keep it for running to the store or whatever. At this point it might be so much trouble to get the pedles to be functional, i might just delete them all together, unless i can find a bass akwards freewheel or something, then i have to modify my hub yet again.
Everything i have read rates that engine at 4hp....i hope thats right cause this bike will be FAST! Wonder how stable it will feel at 40 with the stretched forks and the rake its at? might be a tad squirlly lol