My trike n trailer


New Member
Well i got my sprocket back today,I got a 35
tooth blank and had it machined.. bore n key
plus locking screw holes, fitting the sprocket
showed me that a piece of frame was in the
way of the larger sprocket, out with the skill saw.

the sprocket fit fine after the minor adjustment
lined up good to, i bought a new chain and link,
were talking 3/8s chain and sprockets to match.

Erring on the side of caution i hooked up 12 volts
first (oh yes bricked up the trailer rear end)
it ran a treat, i then put 24 volts to it and away
it ran, Im not sure i want to be on this thing going
at 24 volts but theres a controller to go on yet
so the speeds controllable?

Tomorrow i take it out and try it on the back streets, switch only to find the top speed uphill
with weight onboard

Ill take some photo,s tomorrow i should be good to
post them now

Shes not pretty but shes mine

24v with an on off switch is just fine. You will find quickly that it is a nice ride most of the time and when it gets a little fast just turn it off. It will slow down quickly with the motor off. Please put a fuse in before you test it and use a 20amp switch from the hardware store if you are not going relay. I have melted a bunch of 15amp switches when I didn't have a fuse. It is scary to have a run away motor.

you might also pop your chain off a few times with an on off switch... I have done that lots of times as well.
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