my Schwinn stingray spoiler build

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New Member
I am starting a Schwinn stingray spoiler build.
I'm slowly building this one I want to take my time to restore the bike. ( had some scratches and rust on chrome)
I'm going to be trying the water and tinfoil method do you guys have any tips of removing rust off chrome for cheap?
I just ordered my mini chopper tear drop gas tank
Still making up mY mind about how to motorize it. Its a little bit more expensive but I might go with pedalchopper for the mount and engine
Here are some pics of the bikes before doing anything to it


I had to bring it inside to keep away from the elements. Boy does it make a great decoration for my room haha (c)
Another issue I got to fix you can see it in the pic the chain guard is dented being such a rare bike and I bet parts are even rarrer I got to figure out how to fix it. Buddy of mine gave me a good idea. That's to re create the curvature of the guard in wood so I could hammer the dent from the back side. Do you think this would work or got any better ideas?
Try Marvel Mystery oil with clean rags for the chrome. There's a great how to on Youtube. I think the spoiler uses the same chainguard an the regular OCC Schwinn. You can find those on Ebay. Good luck. That'll be a wicked build.
OH MY! I've always loved these. My dreams of one always revolved around a nice big and quality enclosed battery behind the seatpost and about 2000w of hub electric motor in the rear wheel. But; a HF 79/99cc would do just fine too! Keep us posted ! Them bikes are rare.
I was thinking of going electric but I don't have much experience doing electrical
How much do you think a set up like that cost?
Checkout pedalchopper's one piece jackshaft/ engine mount setup. Looks very interesting with a multi-speed hub....
Not sure, but worth a look anyway.
Seems to be the best of both worlds....except for the prices of the hubs!